This is a short post because I need to get back to figuring out my sign-up form (“Why you no work?!”), but I wanted to say we are here at SuperStars in Colorado Springs, and already it’s been a blast. William Joseph Roberts, Jenny Wren, and I rolled in midday on Monday and crashed pretty hard due to sleep deprivation and getting adjusted to the altitude. We’re here representing ourselves as authors, and as publishers and workers of the Three Ravens Publishing company. (Check out our site, and join our Discord!)
Tuesday was our walk at the Garden of the Gods walk, led by Kevin J. Anderson. That is such a gorgeous park. I’ll need to get pictures from one of my author friends who had the better camera, and share them up here, but here’s one!

I also picked up a fellow traveler down at the gift shop to take back to my little girl. Meet Lottie, who insists on attending the con now:
That is all for now! Keep looking back for when the short story “Asheater” goes live. That form will be up whenever I can get it working, and anyone who signs up gets it for free! And in a couple months, the novella “Some Patience Involved” comes out and that will also be available free to the newsletter subscribers.