Writing in Public 2015: Day 12, Month 1

All right, a new week. Mondays are always slow from a words-written standpoint. It’s my plan-the-attack day, where I try and come up with the game plan for the rest of the week. Outlining, organizing, reading. Still, I had hoped to get more actual stuff written, but life came up and I had to step into that role instead.

Still, a few things were accomplished:

  • Short Story Writing: I’ve decided on this week’s story. It’s going to be a post-apocalyptic choosing-one’s-path kind of tale, a story about two lovers reconciling with one another in the midst of very dangerous work. It’s ambitious, but I hope something good will come of it. The rough draft outline is finished. Tomorrow the actual drafting begins.
  • Editing: Last night I received the first round of editing notes for “The Lone Blue Strand.” As always, Venessa Giunta at Fictionvale is thorough. The edits are due back on Saturday, so I have broken the story up into manageable pieces each day this week. I’ll have it finished by Friday, if not a little sooner.
  • Editing: I also had a bit of time to work on editing “Snowmelt.” The story is gelling together quite nicely in its fourth draft. A fifth draft might still be necessary, but we’ll see.
  • Read Volume 30 of the Writers of the Future. I had some time to sit outside the house whilst waiting on things, so I brought my copy and kept reading. I read several great stories, ranging from fantasy (“The Clouds in Her Eyes” by Liz Colter) to science fiction (“What Moves the Sun and Other Stars” by K.C. Norton) to those written by established authors (“Robots Don’t Cry” by Mike Resnick). I will finish this book tomorrow, thus catching me up to this week. Then I can get back on track with Mistborn.

Tomorrow we get back on schedule with rough drafts, more edits, and novel planning.

Blog Posts: 673
Planning and outlining: 619
Short Fiction: 0
Novel Fiction: 0
Salable words: 0

Total Fiction for Month: 8,550

Total Salable for Month: 1,000

Total Fiction for Challenge Year: 8,550

Total Salable for Challenge Year: 1,000

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