Writing in Public: Day 13, Month 04

Today was a productive day from multiple standpoints, but most importantly from writing. I wrote enough of each scene of “You Are My Brothers” to be able to start the rewrite tomorrow morning. This is good, as the deadline for Sword & Sorceress is Friday, and I will do my best to make it happen.

I imagine the final word count for the story will be in the 7,000 to 8,000 range. This rough draft was lacking in detail. It was more to get the basic layout and pacing of the story down, and I think I’ve managed to do that.

Nothing new on the other tasks of the week, although I did finish reading David Farland’s Drawing on the Power of Resonance in Writing. It was a very fascinating read, and I plan to go back through it again in order to take notes. He goes into quite a bit of detail on just what resonance is, how it affects our choices as readers, and how it should affect our choices as writers. I plan to do a more detailed post on it in the future, but for now know it is well worth the investment. It’s a short book, but chock full of great concepts and ideas.

  • Blog Posts: 236
  • Planning and outlining: 000
  • Short Fiction: 4,158
  • Novel Fiction: 000
  • Salable words: 000

Total Fiction for Month: 9,658

Total Salable for Month: 3,500

Total Fiction for Challenge Year: 139,135

Total Salable for Challenge Year: 36,034

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