Short Story Rough Drafts

All right, as of 07/15 I have finished six short story rough drafts.  That is since July 4th, so on that is roughly a short story every two days.

These short stories range anywhere from 1,000 – 4,000 words each, and they are all very, very rough.  I intend to revise them beginning tonight with the first entry for the NeaDNAthal anthology.  They’re allowing for two entries to that, so I will see if I can get another one out.  The first is a futuristic sci-fi tale, but I think the next one (If there is one) will be back in the past.  A steampunk tale, maybe.

Here are the working titles for the six rough drafts and where they are bound for:

“Subroutine” – Penumbra‘s Hitchcock theme.

“For All Mankind” – Wily Writers‘ Military theme.

“A Well-Ordered Garden” – Wily Writers‘ catch-all speculative theme.

“The Future in the Past” – NeaDNAthal anthology, entry number one.

“The Re-Gift of the Magi” – Crossed Genres‘ “Gift” theme.

“Enough” – Not sure where this is going just yet.  Happened to just spit it out one morning, so it needs a lot of refinement.